Istanbul Startups List

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ID 517993

Bulent Keles

Consultant at Valensas • Product Lead at @veacon and @vdp, Previously @grey-worldwide • Studied at @boston-university

ID 536510

Hayal Kahramanlari

Owner at Hayal Kahramanlari

ID 808229

Reyhan Cepik Arslan

Founder and COO of Silicon Valley startup experience. Also, studied Computer Technology And Software

ID 343560

Nick Avedesian

CEO of The Vantage Group | Founder of Avedesian Enterprises

ID 70075

Emir Uckan

Product Business Development Manager

ID 472853

Alper Tekin

Mobile Application Developer

ID 117912

Burak Volkan Coskun

Founder/CEO of Walk-in Apps, Inc. Worked at @fidelity-invesments, @hunt-oil • Studied at @midwestern-state-university

ID 569541

Faisal Rana

Worked at @siemens, @virgin-media

ID 500453


ID 132952

Özgür (Oscar) Bayraktar


Bayraktar & Partners, Forbes, Harvard Business Review.

ID 665724

Peter Konhäusner

Founder & CEO of MediaXP, a leading European digital entertainment & lifestyle transmedia group.

ID 134872

Umut Mazgal


ID 83947

Handan Selçuk

Co-Founder @soundtap • Worked at @cisco @general-electric • Studied at @university-of-california-berkeley, @san-jose-state-university Diverse business background with entrepreneurial drive. a Networking Ninja - Web Enthusiast - a Connector

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