Istanbul Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Istanbul.

Meet 6 CEO View everyone

ID 286378

Asli Fidangenc

Founder of 14 years retail career in kids and sports market. Head of buying; both kids and sportswear in one of the biggest Dept.Stores in Turkey.

ID 646550

Anıl Topal

Founder and CEO @masinga.

ID 380527

Tolga Arıcan

Founder @utopic-farm, @manifakture • Worked at @microsoft • Studied at @istanbul-bilgi-university-1 UNIVERSITY

ID 713759

Erol Kabadayı

Founded MobiRoller, B.Sc. Computer Engineering

ID 575612

Cem Ozkaynak


Founder at NasılKolay, Previously Founded SEM, (

ID 675492

Levent Gozener

Co-Founder and The chairman of the board of Sosyologger

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